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Top 10 Best Yoga Poses for Beginners

There is no doubt if we say yoga is one of the biggest gifts by India to the world. If you want to learn some yoga poses, let us disclose some best yoga poses for beginners.

Why yoga poses?

Yoga is an ancient system of physical and mental exercises originating in India. The word yoga has a Sanskrit root yuj, meaning “to yoke” or “unite.” Yoga is often practiced for its health benefits, including increased flexibility, improved respiration and circulation, reduced stress, depression, anxiety, and enhanced muscle tone. Now, let us talk about some of the best yoga poses for beginners.

Top 10 easy yoga poses for beginners

1. Tadasana: one of the best yoga poses

Mountain pose or tadasana is one of the most basic yoga for beginners postures, but this pose is quite powerful. Mountain pose helps improve your balance and coordination. It strengthens your legs, ankles, and feet. You can do this yoga pose if you work at a desk all day.

Some yoga teachers recommend doing mountain poses at the beginning of your practice to help you get centered and grounded before moving into more challenging poses. Others say that practicing mountain pose can help improve your overall health and boost your focus.

Yoga Steps to do this yoga pose: 

  • Stand straight and firm.
  • Keep your feet together and toes pointing forward.
  • Raise your toes and balance your body on your heels.
  • Stretch your arms, shoulders, and chest upwards, and take a deep breath. Doing this will open up the lungs, which aids in better breathing for an energized feeling throughout your body.
  • Keep this pose for 5 to 10 seconds and then exhale gently and start over.

2. Adho Mukha Svanasana: one of the best yoga poses for beginners

The downward-facing dog yoga pose is known for strengthening the arms and legs. It also helps beginners build a stronger foundation by distracting the mind from physical pain and discomfort. The benefits of this pose include increasing blood circulation in the body, toning your foot muscles, and releasing stress very effectively.

Steps to do this one of the difficult yoga poses: 

  • Stand on your hands and knees. Make sure your hands are tiny in front of your shoulders and your knees below your hips. Your palms should spread out.
  • Exhale and raise your knees from the group. Keep your knees slightly bent, and make sure your heels are lifted off the floor. Stretch your tailbone away from the back of your pelvis, lift your hip toward the ceiling, and draw your legs from your ankles up through your groins.
  • While breathing out, push your thighs back and stretch your heels toward the floor. Straighten your legs without locking them.
  • Your arms should be firm, and press the bases of your index fingers actively into the floor. Your shoulder blades should be tight against your back, then widen and draw them toward your tailbone.
  • Maintain this pose for 10 or more breaths, then bend your knees while exhaling and lower yourself into Child’s Pose.

3. Warrior I or Virabhadrasana I: one of the basic yoga poses for beginners

Warrior I is a basic standing pose in yoga. It is often included in beginners’ classes, as it helps build strength and stability in the legs and hips. Warrior I also stretches the chest, shoulders, and neck.

This pose can help to improve balance and coordination. It also strengthens the muscles of the pelvic floor and core in preparation for more advanced poses.

If you are new to yoga, try holding this pose for a few minutes at a time while standing on one leg. As you become stronger and more comfortable with the pose, increase your time by a few seconds each week until you can comfortably hold Warrior I for 3–5 minutes or longer.

Steps to do this pose for beginners:

  • Start with standing, then keep your left foot four feet forward.
  • Bend your knee into a lunge and make sure your right leg is straight. Then turn your right heel in at about 45 degrees.
  • Your arms should be above your head while keeping your shoulders down.
  • Squeeze your shoulder blades together and downward, and then lift your chin to look at your hands over your head.
  • Maintain this yoga pose for a few seconds and then repeat on the right side.

4. Cobra pose or Bhujangasana: one of the simple yoga poses for beginners

The cobra pose is one of the best yoga poses for beginners that helps you strengthen your body and improve flexibility. This yoga pose stretches and strengthens your spine and core, helping you improve your posture and reduce back pain. It will also reduce stress and improve mental clarity.

Steps to do this simple yoga pose: 

  • Lay on your belly and keep your hands beside your ribs.
  • Extend your big toes straight back and put them down with all ten toenails to begin your quadriceps.
  • Take your chest off the ground by straightening the arms.
  • Lift your sternum instead of lifting your chin.
  • Keep a slight bend in your elbows.

5. Triangle pose, trikonasana: one of the different yoga positions

The triangle pose is one of the many yoga poses that can help improve your flexibility and strength. This pose works by stretching the legs, shoulders, and chest muscles while strengthening your abdominal muscles.

In addition to these physical benefits, the triangle pose also helps to improve focus, concentration, and balance. Practicing this pose can also help improve your posture and relieve stress, so many people turn to it when looking for a way to relax.

Steps to do this yoga pose: 

  • Stand straight and keep distance between your legs.
  • Take in a breath Inhale and raise your right hand straight above your head. Your right arm should be parallel to the right ear.
  • Exhale and bend your torso to your left side.
  • At the same time, slide your left arm down with your left leg till your fingers are at your ankle.
  • Make sure your right arm is horizontal as your head goes left.
  • Maintain the yoga pose straight with your knees and elbows; maintain it for 30 seconds.
  • Inhale. Stand erect and repeat the posture on the other side.

6. Half camel pose, Ardha Ustrasana – One of the interesting exercise poses 

Half camel pose is an exciting and exciting asana that offers several health benefits. It strengthens the back, stretches the hip and thigh muscles, and enhances flexibility in the lumbar spine. It’s an excellent way to improve your overall health.

Steps to do this yoga pose: -h4

  • Go to your knees and place your hands on your hips.
  • Your knees should be in line with the shoulders, and your feet’ soles should be at the ceiling.
  • Inhale and draw in your tailbone towards the pubis.
  • Arch your back and slide your palms over your feet till your arms are straight.
  • Make sure no strain comes to your neck, and keep it neutral.
  • Maintain this posture for a couple of breaths.
  • Breathe out and withdraw your hands and bring them back to your hips.

7. Cat Cow pose, Bitilasana Marjaryasana – An easy yoga step 

The cat-cow pose is one of the best yoga poses for beginners. It strengthens the spine and helps to maintain a flexible back. Regularly practicing this pose enables you to overcome weak muscles and chronic pain in the neck, shoulders, and lower back. The other benefits of this pose are it increases blood flow circulation in your body, improves posture, and helps to reduce stress and anxiety.

Steps to do this yoga pose for beginners: 

  • Begin all-fours position with your knees and toes flexed. Your hips should be over your knees and your hands under your shoulders.
  • Take a breath as you drop your belly and lift your gaze and your tailbone upward.
  • Exhale as you slowly tuck your chin towards your chest, lift your mid-back upward and scoop your tailbone under.
  • Perform this pose for four rounds, then exit it.

8. Child’s pose, balasana – An effortless yoga steps for beginners 

The child’s pose is a restorative yoga pose that can be beneficial for people of all ages and levels of fitness. It stretches the back, hips, and thighs while promoting relaxation and stress relief. A child’s pose is also thought to help improve digestion and relieve headaches.

If you have never done yoga before or are new to restorative yoga, it is always good to practice with a qualified instructor. Once you have learned the basic pose, you can modify it to suit your individual needs. For instance, if you have tightness in hips or low back, you can place a blanket under your buttocks for support. You can also keep a rolled-up towel under your forehead if you have neck pain.

A child’s pose is generally safe for people of all fitness levels. However, if you have any injuries or health conditions, please consult your doctor before practicing this or any other yoga pose.

Steps to do this yoga pose:

  • Kneel on the group with your toes together and your knees hip-width apart.
  • Place your palms on your thighs.
  • Stretch your arms forward while resting your forehead on the ground.
  • Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute as you inhale and exhale deeply.

9. Legs up the wall pose, viparita karani – one of simple yoga steps

The legs up the wall pose is a great way to relieve stress and tension in the legs and feet. This is one of the best yoga poses for beginners that can also help to improve circulation in the lower body. Additionally, this pose can help reduce swelling in the legs and feet. This pose is also a good way to stretch the hamstrings and calves.

Steps to do this yoga pose: 

  • Sit sideways near a wall, with one side of your body against it.
  • Extend both legs straight up the wall, then scoot your hips as close to the wall as possible.
  • Rest your elbows on the ground next to you and let your head fall back.
  • Stay here for 1 to 5 minutes, then slowly roll over onto your side and sit up when you’re ready.

10. Corpse pose, Savasana

The corpse pose, or Savasana, is one of the best yoga poses for beginners. It will calm your mind and body and is a perfect way to end a yoga practice for beginners. The corpse pose can help to reduce stress, anxiety, and fatigue. It can also help to improve circulation, digestion, and flexibility. In addition, it can help prepare the body and mind for deep sleep.

The corpse pose can be challenging because it requires both a physical and mental surrender. The key to success in the corpse pose is always to keep your eyes closed, meditate on your breaths, and stay as still as possible. By practicing the corpse pose regularly, you will be able to reduce stress and improve your overall health and well-being.

Steps to do this simple yoga pose: -h4

  • Lie down with your arms resting at your sides and your legs extended.
  • Close your eyes and let your entire body relax as you focus on deep, even breathing.
  • Stay here for 5 minutes or longer if possible.
  • This pose is great for restoring energy after a long yoga practice or workout.

What are the upsides of taking whey protein after doing the best yoga poses? 

Whey protein is a type of protein that is derived from milk. It contains two main proteins: whey and casein. Whey protein is considered a “fast-acting” protein because it is easily digested and absorbed by the body. Once it is digested, the amino acids in whey protein are used for various functions in the body, including muscle growth and repair.

You will gain many benefits by taking whey protein after doing yoga. For example, whey protein helps repair and build muscle tissue. This is especially important after doing yoga poses that help tone and strengthen the muscles. Additionally, whey protein provides the body with essential amino acids necessary for proper functioning. NATURALTEIN whey protein can help boost the immune system, which is important for overall health and well-being.

How much whey protein should you take after yoga poses?

The amount of whey protein you should take after yoga will depend on your individual needs. Generally, it is recommended to take 20-30 grams of whey protein immediately after yoga. You can also take whey protein before yoga to help fuel your workout and prevent muscle breakdown.


Yoga is connecting with your inner self and becoming healthy mentally and physically. These best yoga poses for beginners we mentioned will help you improve flexibility, strength, and posture. They can also help relieve pain, reduce stress, and promote relaxation. When selecting yoga poses, it is important to choose appropriate ones for your level of fitness and ability. If you have medical conditions, consult with your health care provider or a yoga expert before beginning your yoga practice.

At NATURALTEIN, we create natural whey protein powders that help you with muscle growth and repair. Our whey protein powders have received the Cologne List® and glyphosate residue-free whey certificates.


How do I learn about the best yoga poses for beginners at home?

Practicing yoga at home can be a great way to ease into it if you’re new to yoga. You can find plenty of online videos and classes simply by reading the book. Many apps offer yoga guidance for free.
All you need is a mat and some comfortable clothing to get started. Once you have those, you can begin practicing yoga in the privacy of your own home. No need to feel self-conscious, yoga is for everyone, no matter your level of experience.
If you’re unsure about getting started, consider taking yoga classes before trying it at home. You can learn to do the right yoga techniques. We would recommend you also know the philosophy of yoga and not just the yoga exercises.

Who should not do yoga?

People with injuries or chronic pain should not do yoga without first consulting a doctor or physical therapist.
If you have high blood pressure, heart disease, or other conditions that physical activity could aggravate should not do yoga without first consulting a doctor.
Pregnant women should not do yoga without first consulting their doctor or midwife.
People with back pain should not do yoga without first consulting a doctor or physical therapist.
Children should not do yoga without parental permission and supervision.
If you want to clear your doubts, it is always best to consult with a yoga expert or healthcare professional before beginning a yoga practice. Other than that, just about anyone can benefit from yoga.

What are the most common easy yoga asanas for beginners?

The most common yoga pose is the Downward Facing Dog or Adho Mukha Svanasana. This pose stretches your entire body and can be modified to suit any practitioner level.
Another common yoga pose is the Warrior Pose or Virabhadrasana. This pose is named after a Hindu warrior and is said to represent courage and strength.

Should I drink whey protein shakes after yoga?

It’s generally recommended that you drink whey protein shakes after yoga to help your body recover from yoga activities and build muscle. NATURALTEIN Whey protein is an easily digested type that makes it ideal for post-workout nutrition. It also contains all of the essential amino acids your body needs to build muscle, so drinking a whey protein shake after your session is a good idea if you’re looking to improve your yoga practice and build some muscle.

Can you lose weight with some yoga asanas?

Yes, yoga can help with weight loss. You can look for different types of yoga asanas, it is important to find one that is right for you. If you want to lose weight, consider a form of power yoga or Ashtanga yoga. The basic yoga asanas will help increase your heart rate and burn more calories.
Vinyasa yoga is another good option for weight loss. This type of yoga focuses on flowing movements, which can help to increase your heart rate and burn more calories.
Bikram yoga is also a good choice for those looking to lose weight. This type of yoga is performed in a hot room, which can help you to sweat and burn more calories.
You can also lose weight by consuming natural whey protein.

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