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what is whey protein isolate

What is Whey Protein Isolate

Many athletes consume and recommend protein powder in order to meet the daily requirements of protein to increase their muscle growth and recovery. Whey Protein Isolate is a highly recommended supplement and very common in the sports and fitness industry. Nonetheless, with so many types of proteins on the market, how can one tell the differences between them? What is whey protein isolate? Whey powder and Whey isolate are today’s two most popular protein powders.

At NATURALTEIN, we create protein powders consisting of all-natural ingredients. Read on to know what makes us different in the market.

Difference Between Whey Protein And Whey Isolate; whey protein vs whey protein isolate

whey isolate vs whey protein

Both Whey Protein and Whey Isolate are derived from milk. However, Whey Isolate is just whey protein that is more fleshed out in order to reduce the amount of lactose in the powder. This will produce a leaner protein source that is lower in fat. Whey protein and whey isolate have different protein, lactose, and fat content per serving.

A serving of whey protein can contain anywhere from 10-15% protein with over 50% lactose and almost 2% fat.

What is whey protein isolate made of?

whey protein contents

What is whey protein made from? Whey protein isolate is made of whey, a by-product of cheese production. Whey is rich in protein and amino acids and is a pure form of whey filtered to remove fat and lactose. A serving of whey isolate contains over 90% pure protein content and virtually no lactose or milk fat. Whey isolate can benefit those who are lactose intolerant or have trouble digesting dairy products.

Isolate or Concentrate: isolate protein vs whey protein concentrate?

whey isolate vs whey concentrate

Whey Concentrate and Isolate are almost identical in building muscle and aligning your training goals. The reason people prefer to isolate over concentrate is lower fat and carb content. Fewer calories per serving if you have lactose intolerance; isolate is best. Avoid whey isolates and concentrates, which eliminate the benefits of no lactose and low fat and carbohydrate content.

When one is preparing for a bodybuilding show or competition where you need to track calories carefully, whey isolate is the best product choice for you. However, whey concentrate or whey isolate will provide benefits if you are not particular about how many calories you consume.

While the nutritional contents of both concentrate and isolate are very similar, isolate is a healthier choice for those who have bloating issues caused by dairy products. If you want to build a lean physique, either one of the two products will provide you with great muscle development, maintenance, and growth benefits.

Benefits of whey isolate protein powder

What are whey isolate's benefits

The term “whey protein” will be familiar to fitness freaks and gym-goers alike, a highly recommended protein because of its amazing range of amino acids that are absorbed quickly. Various studies have shown that whey protein can enhance muscle growth, strength and catalyze the fat burning process.

Whey contains a wide range of nutrients, such as minerals, vitamins, and amino acids. Consuming Whey on a daily basis is a great way to increase your daily protein intake, which is especially effective for bodybuilders and fitness buffs. Since Whey contains lactose, people with lactose intolerance may encounter some issues digesting it. It doesn’t matter what you are afraid of, and Whey protein comes in 3 types- isolate, concentrate, and hydrolysate. Of these, whey isolate is the best for people with lactose intolerance since it has a very low lactose concentration.

Good for lactose-intolerant people

Due to its very low lactose content, people with lactose intolerance can easily consume it. It causes no digestion problems and your body can easily absorb it.

Higher whey protein content

If you are a fitness enthusiast or follow a serious bodybuilding route looking to build some great muscles. Whey isolate also provides a higher protein level than whey concentrate. It contains 90-95% protein.

It is ideal for lean muscle gains

When one wants to build up muscles, protein is the key. Whey protein isolate provides you with enough protein to boost your muscle growth. It is the best supplement for building lean muscles with no excess calories and just protein.

It digests faster

Isolate is highly digestible and high in amino acids, meaning its absorption rate is high and provides full benefits in a short time period. It rarely causes stomach discomfort in people with or without lactose intolerance. And is an absolute choice for ones who want to reduce their calorie intake.


We hope now you are aware of what is whey protein isolate. If one is looking for a dietary supplement that can help build muscle, NATURALTEIN’s whey isolate protein powder is your product. If you suffer from gastric issues, bloating, or lactose intolerance, Whey isolate is your savior as it follows a micro-filtration process to remove the lactose. It can also stimulate increased insulin levels directly linked to exercise or athletic performance. It also aids in weight loss and management, suppressing hunger and cravings, increasing muscle mass, and boosting muscle repair. Rich in BCAAs helps increase muscle protein synthesis and supports muscle recovery and growth. For this reason, isolated Whey is perfect for bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts.

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What is Whey Protein Isolate and what whey protein isolate is made from?

In order to obtain Whey Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Concentrate goes through an additional filtration process. The process reduces fats and lactose further. It is a rich source of protein (90%) that is obtained by concentrating Whey Protein Concentrate. Milk-derived protein has the highest biological value (159) of the protein sources and the highest BCAA concentration, making it the best protein supplement. The milk-derived protein has the highest number of essential amino acids with the least amount of fats and lactose.

Why is whey protein isolate so expensive?

Many ask us what is whey protein isolate or what makes it different. Usually, whey protein contains all five essential amino acids, as well as non-essential amino acids and BCAAs. Since your body cannot produce the essential amino acids, Whey is a great method of supplementing those. It also offers additional health benefits making it slightly more expensive than other proteins. As it gets absorbed faster, Whey helps a lot with bodybuilding. Quality supplements use quality ingredients, which is why isolated protein is a bit more expensive. The more Whey is processed, the more costly it gets. Isolates and hydrolysates go through more processing, which is why they are more expensive than concentrates.

What makes Whey Protein so special?

Despite its reputation as another protein source, Whey Protein is special because it has an incredible amount of BCAAs, making it a complete protein. Whey Protein is well-absorbed and contains all the essential amino acids compared to other protein sources. Due to their fast absorption, Whey Protein powders provide faster amino acids, making them ideal for muscle recovery and growth post-workout nutrition. It is also highly bio-available, meaning it is completely absorbed and has the highest biological value of all protein sources.

What is the basic difference between Whey Concentrate and Isolate?

Whey concentrate vs isolate protein is a big topic. Both are high-quality protein supplements that come from milk; the difference lies in the extra filtering that Whey Isolate goes through. Because of this extra step, Whey Isolate results to be a more refined and pure form of Whey Protein that has almost no sugar, lactose, or fat. Typical whey protein concentration contain 80% protein and can contain lactose, fat, carbohydrates, and minerals. Compared to Whey Protein Concentrate, Whey Protein Isolate is slightly more expensive. Of course, the additional processing it goes through removes virtually all of the non-protein components. It offers 90% protein content, with barely any fat or lactose. Whey Isolate tends to be lower in bioactive compounds than Whey Concentrate. But they both provide great muscle-building results when combined with resistance exercises.

Is Whey Protein Isolate suitable for those who are lactose intolerant?

Whey Protein Isolate powder is a fast-absorbing protein that provides a quick supply of essential amino acids to muscles, facilitating muscle growth and repair. A micro-filtration process removes all other whey protein powder ingredients, such as lactose carbs and fat, leaving pure protein behind. Providing minimal lactose and easy digestion, this ultra-filtered whey isolate may be suitable for lactose-intolerant individuals.

What is the best time to take Whey Protein?

If you’re looking for a more nutritious breakfast, try a Whey Protein shake with milk to begin your day. Our bodies are constantly depleting amino acids. So providing them with protein anymore is beneficial to achieving a balanced environment in which muscles can build. Taking a Whey Protein to shake an hour before a workout will provide you with the amino acids. Amino acids will prevent muscle breakdown, encourage new muscle building, and enhance your performance. Following an intense workout, your muscles are prone to absorb more amino acids. So consuming a Whey Protein shake post-workout will support quick muscle recovery and increase muscle protein synthesis.

How much Whey Protein should one consume in a day?

We suggest 30g per day as a serving size. A healthy diet should contain 0.8g to 1g of protein per kilogram of body weight for the body to regenerate damaged muscles following an intense workout and initiate muscle protein synthesis. That doesn’t mean a person weighing 60kg should consume that much protein per day. Regular diets provide sufficient protein for most people. You’ll be getting a certain amount of protein from your diet if you eat legumes, nuts, eggs, poultry, and seafood. Whey protein supplements fill in the protein gaps left your varied diet can’t offer and aid in quick muscle recovery, even if consumed in moderation.

Should I consume a Whey Protein shake on rest days (non-workout days)?

The answer is yes. While you are resting, you can also consume Whey Protein Shake. In order to maximize your results and performance on rest days, you must understand that a rest day for the body does not necessarily equate with a rest day for the meal plan. On your rest days, your body will be recovering from your previous difficult workout and building new muscle. Taking whey protein shakes on rest days provides the body with a good supply of essential amino acids to maintain a state of anabolism. And helps the body recover faster from exercise and preserves lean muscle mass. As well as triggers fat loss by enhancing the availability of amino acids to the muscles.

What are the features of your Whey Protein Isolate?

With its high biological value of 159, Whey Protein Isolate has 92% protein and the highest amount of BCAAs per serving. Through multiphase filtration, it is a high-quality, pure protein source. Whey Protein Isolate is extremely digestible And thus providing quick delivery of amino acids to muscles. It is virtually fat-free and contains zero cholesterol. NATURALTEIN’S Whey Protein Isolate has a variety of flavors (vanilla, mango, etc.) and offers unflavored as well; it does not contain additives or preservatives. As a vegetarian protein supplement, our Whey Protein Isolate is enzyme-free, gluten-free, sugar-free, yeast-free, fat-free, and low carbohydrate content.

Should only bodybuilders consume Whey Protein?

No, you can consume Whey Protein regardless of your exercise routine. While some people believe Whey is a workout-friendly supplement and bodybuilders love to advertise it, one must remember that it is a supplement that may fill in the gaps in different diet routines. Protein is an important nutrient for everyone regardless of age, gender, weight, or intensity of workouts. Protein intake should be considered from the standpoint of fitness and health. An individual should consume 0.8 to 1 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

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